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Feb 23, 2021

Joseph Julian Soria is an Hispanic-American actor best known for his role as Private First Class Hector Cruz in the Lifetime series Army Wives and Pete Ramos in The Oath. He is more recently known starring in the Netflix series Gente-fied.

He makes a point of spreading good vibes both on and off screen. Tweeting about...

Feb 16, 2021

Joshua McPhail is a Navy veteran, Coffee Creator, perpetual adventurer and aspiring actor. Rocco puts things into place about the nit and grit of the acting world.

Feb 9, 2021

Jason Matias: "I learned first the camera, and later the pen. Today I carry both and they war with each other for my attention."


Ted Talk:



Feb 5, 2021

Ernie Mariscal: Veteran and Motivational Speaker. Ernie opens up about past trauma and his path to coaching others to find success.  "STAY IN THE FIGHT"