Jun 8, 2024
Today, I have the honor of speaking with a true powerhouse, a veteran, entrepreneur, and advocate for mental well-being. Please join me in welcoming William 'Will' Yeske. Will, a decorated 11-year Army veteran, knows firsthand the challenges many face transitioning back to civilian life. Not only has he carved a successful path as a serial entrepreneur, but he's also passionate about using his experiences to help others. As the founder of No Limits Marketing Group, he's assisting small businesses and utilizing unique strategies he honed in the military. But it doesn't stop there. Will's dedication to veteran mental health is inspiring. He's been involved with several veteran organizations like Rally for the Troops and WarriorWOD. Today, we'll dive into his journey, exploring the intersections of entrepreneurship, military service, and the importance of prioritizing mental wellness. Will, it's fantastic to have you on the show!